Crochetosophy 001
#crochetosophy 001
Lufon About the brand name
The important thing in considering the brand name is the impression of the first time, whether it is short and easy to remember, or whether it is an original word.
Among the many brands that exist in the worldI don't think it will be remembered unless it is a name that is easy for people to pronounce and easy to remember, but will not be transmitted from humans to humans. It was a simple, good language, and it was a choice after thinking that the name may not be important in terms of meaning.
I think it is better to remember the human name as much as possible.
This is because in living in society, it is easier to blend into the world, it is easy for others to remember, it is easy to build relationships, and as a result it is easy to survive. Humans cannot live alone. I think it will be difficult to continue for a long time unless the brand is widely accepted and loved by people.
The emphasis was on whether it was a dynamic, transparent, and a name that was not uncomfortable as a fashion brand for both male and women.
In addition, designers themselves like unrivaled music, regardless of genre, and often listen to highly musical music, regardless of age, so be very careful about the hearing information of "sound" and "sound". I chose and gave me the brand name Lufon.
The sound of the sound is universal.
I hope it will be a brand loved by many people, widely accepted by the world.
